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The British School of Rio de Janeiro (Barra Unit) welcomes the TEDx event aiming to spread knowledge, foster learning and voice those willing to share innovative ideas among our community. 


Organized entirely by students, the TEDxYouth@TBSRJ event promises to be an extraordinary and remarkable opportunity to broaden your perspective about today's youth and explore exactly what our 2021 theme suggests: "The power of an individual in an interconnected world".


For more information about the event, visit our About page. 

​"Exploring the Unknown"

Imagine a time capsule from an expedition, frozen in time with its discoveries stored from a distant past. History repeats itself and the human race's fuel for exploration never ceases, the drive for what is new or understanding what has happened has repeated itself throughout all advancements in the history of the modern world.


This edition's theme is about transcending boundaries in the search for something new, unexplored, be it in the physical or metaphysical world. With the world changing at a rapid pace it is often easy to follow what has been established, but what if we were to take a step out of our comfort zone and venture in ideas that have never been brought up in science, personal growth, technology and overcoming obstacles of modern society.

Make your voice heard

The British School, Rio de Janeiro

Access exclusively through:
Av. Celia Ribeiro da Silva Mendes, 600 – Barra da Tijuca
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
CEP 22793-270
Tel.: 55 (21) 3329-2854
(Official address: Rua Mario Autuori, 100)

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This independent TEDx event is operated under license from TED.

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